Practicing The Art of Plastic Surgery


Eyelid Lift

Eyelid Lift Blepharoplasty

An eyelid lift or “blepharoplasty” with Dr. Lara Ontiveros is one of the best surgical options for bringing your eyes out of hiding and tightening lax skin around the eyes.

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Eyelid lift or blepharoplasty in Monterrey Plastic Surgery, helps patients reduce under-eye puffiness, lift drooping lids, and soften wrinkles.

Eyelid lift at our Monterrey, Mexico, practice is a straightforward procedure that can create a refreshed, more youthful appearance. This procedure can eliminate tired and sad-looking eyes. An eyelid lift can be performed on the upper eyelids and/or lower eyelids, and it requires a great deal of skill and experience to accomplish a natural look.

Your eyes can communicate much about your mood, age, and alertness. For some men and women, droopy upper eyelids, bulging lower eyelids, and dark circles can make you appear tired and older than you actually are. 

In both upper and lower eyelid surgery, excess skin and fat must be addressed. Historically, this meant removing substantial amounts of fat from the upper and lower lids; unfortunately, over time, this often led to a hollowed out appearance. More often now, Dr. Lewis will reposition your existing fat, remove any small area of unwanted fat, and in many cases, add fat to restore the volume that is lost over time. After this is done, the skin is carefully sutured in a tighter placement to preserve the musculature and the shape of your eyes.


The ideal candidate for an eyelid lift is usually over age 40 and has moderate to significant laxity of skin on the upper or lower eyelids. In severe cases, the lower eyelid begins to droop, causing the inside white of the eyelid to be seen.

Dr. Lara Ontiveros customizes every eyelid surgery based on your anatomy, condition, and goals. He uses the latest methods to not just remove excess skin and tighten the eyelids, but to make sure that the muscles of the eyes are intact and that you appear naturally younger in a way that is not obvious. 

Monterrey Plastic Surgery

You should refrain from smoking for at least 4 weeks before your surgery and 2 weeks after. Most medical issues can be managed in order to make surgery safe, but diabetes and high blood pressure, in particular, must be under control before the procedure.


We will make sure you are comfortable throughout the whole procedure. You will be given a local anesthetic and IV sedation for what is often called “twilight sleep.” This is lighter anesthesia than a full general anesthetic, but you will be very relaxed and will not feel any pain. Some patients prefer a deeper anesthetic, and a general anesthetic is reasonable as well.

Your eyes may or may not need to be bandaged after your surgery. If you must have bandages, Dr. Lara Ontiveros will let you know when they can be removed. You may be given ointment to apply to the lids, and we will give you direction on eye drops.

You can go home the same day, but someone will need to drive you home.

Our doctors

Dr. Josue Lara Ontiveros
Lead Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Josue Lara Ontiveros is a board-certified plastic surgeon whose warm, engaging personality helps puts patients at ease.

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